TwurpleAuthenticationGetting dataExamplesFAQMigration


Information about the original gift of a subscription.

Whether the gift was anonymous.
anonymous: boolean
The duration of the gift, in months.
duration: number
The number of the month out of the total gift duration that was just redeemed.
The display name of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.
The ID of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.
userId?: string
The name of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.
userName?: string



Type: boolean

Whether the gift was anonymous.


Type: number

The duration of the gift, in months.


Type: number

The number of the month out of the total gift duration that was just redeemed.


Type: ?string

The display name of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.


Type: ?string

The ID of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.


Type: ?string

The name of the user that originally gifted the subscription. Only set if the gift was not anonymous.