TwurpleAuthenticationGetting dataExamplesFAQMigration


Information about a subscription that was gifted.

The display name of the subscribing user.
displayName: string
The duration of the gifted subscription, in months.
giftDuration: number
The name of the user that gifted the subscription.
gifter?: string
The display name of the user that gifted the subscription.
The number of subscriptions the gifting user has already gifted in total.
The user ID of the user that gifted the subscription.
gifterUserId?: string
Whether the subscription was "paid" for with Twitch Prime.
isPrime: boolean
The message that was sent with the subscription.
message?: string
The number of total months of subscriptions for the channel.
months: number
The info about the original gift of the subscription, when renewing a multi-month gift.
The plan ID of the subscription.
plan: string
The plan name of the subscription.
planName: string
The number of consecutive months of subscriptions for the channel.
streak?: number
The user ID of the subscribing user.
userId: string



Type: string

The display name of the subscribing user.


Type: number

The duration of the gifted subscription, in months.


Type: ?string

The name of the user that gifted the subscription.


Type: ?string

The display name of the user that gifted the subscription.


Type: ?number

The number of subscriptions the gifting user has already gifted in total.


Type: ?string

The user ID of the user that gifted the subscription.


Type: boolean

Whether the subscription was "paid" for with Twitch Prime.


Type: ?string

The message that was sent with the subscription.


Type: number

The number of total months of subscriptions for the channel.


Type: ?ChatSubOriginalGiftInfo

The info about the original gift of the subscription, when renewing a multi-month gift.


Type: string

The plan ID of the subscription.

Tier 1, 2, 3 are '1000', '2000', '3000' respectively, and a Twitch Prime subscription is called 'Prime'.


Type: string

The plan name of the subscription.


Type: ?number

The number of consecutive months of subscriptions for the channel.

Will not be sent if the user resubscribing does not choose to.


Type: string

The user ID of the subscribing user.