TwurpleAuthenticationGetting dataExamplesFAQMigration


Information about a subscription.

The display name of the subscribing user.
displayName: string
Whether the subscription was "paid" for with Twitch Prime.
isPrime: boolean
The message that was sent with the subscription.
message?: string
The number of total months of subscriptions for the channel.
months: number
The info about the original gift of the subscription, when renewing a multi-month gift.
The plan ID of the subscription.
plan: string
The plan name of the subscription.
planName: string
The number of consecutive months of subscriptions for the channel.
streak?: number
The user ID of the subscribing user.
userId: string



Type: string

The display name of the subscribing user.


Type: boolean

Whether the subscription was "paid" for with Twitch Prime.


Type: ?string

The message that was sent with the subscription.


Type: number

The number of total months of subscriptions for the channel.


Type: ?ChatSubOriginalGiftInfo

The info about the original gift of the subscription, when renewing a multi-month gift.


Type: string

The plan ID of the subscription.

Tier 1, 2, 3 are '1000', '2000', '3000' respectively, and a Twitch Prime subscription is called 'Prime'.


Type: string

The plan name of the subscription.


Type: ?number

The number of consecutive months of subscriptions for the channel.

Will not be sent if the user resubscribing does not choose to.


Type: string

The user ID of the subscribing user.