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Preventing sub gift spam

When someone gifts a batch of subscriptions to a channel, this sends one onCommunitySub event followed by one onSubGift event for each subscription that was gifted.

If you're writing an alert system or you're replying to each gift in chat, this can quickly lead to spam and rate limit violations.

Here's a helpful snippet that can help with this for @twurple/chat:

// undefined is a possible key because of anonymous gifts
const giftCounts = new Map<string | undefined, number>();

chatClient.onCommunitySub((channel, gifterName, giftInfo) => {
	const previousGiftCount = giftCounts.get(gifterName) ?? 0;
	giftCounts.set(gifterName, previousGiftCount + giftInfo.count);
	chatClient.say(channel, `Thanks ${gifterName} for gifting ${giftInfo.count} subs to the community!`);

chatClient.onSubGift((channel, recipientName, subInfo) => {
	const gifterName = subInfo.gifter;
	const previousGiftCount = giftCounts.get(gifterName) ?? 0;
	if (previousGiftCount > 0) {
		giftCounts.set(gifterName, previousGiftCount - 1);
	} else {
		chatClient.say(channel, `Thanks ${gifterName} for gifting a sub to ${recipientName}!`);

If you use @twurple/easy-bot, the required information is included in the event object:

bot.onCommunitySub(e => {
	const { channel, gifterName, count } = e;
	// ...

bot.onSubGift(e => {
	const { broadcasterName: channel, userName: recipientName, gifterName } = e;
	// ...