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Context switching

Any API surfaces that have some amount of user context (for example, API calls that relate directly to a user) will automatically determine the user context they run their calls with.

For example, when fetching public info about a user, a token for that user will be requested from your provider, which might return an app token if a fitting user token is not available. For private info and mutations a user token will be required.


At the moment, only the RefreshingAuthProvider implements this concept.

You can also include it in your own AuthProvider implementation.

Usage with the ApiClient

All API requests that don't require a scope are, as stated above, called with a token from the user the request relates to if applicable and available, otherwise an app token is used.

You can override this behavior using the ApiClient#asUser method:

// ctx will have the same methods as a regular ApiClient, so you can use any of its methods
const badgeNames = await apiClient.asUser(userId, async ctx => {
	// would normally get called using an app access token, but is overridden to use the given user token
	const badges = await;

	// return value is available as the return value of `asUser` (so this will carry over to `badgeNames`)
	return =>;

Alternatively, you can use intents using the ApiClient#asIntent method.