Twurple is a set of libraries that aims to cover all existing Twitch APIs.
Twurple consists of multiple packages that mostly communicate with a single system on Twitch's side.
All these system packages rely on a single package that manages authentication tokens, @twurple/auth
All peer dependencies between the different packages are shown here:
Package | Peer dependencies |
@twurple/api | @twurple/auth |
@twurple/chat | @twurple/auth |
@twurple/eventsub-http | @twurple/auth , @twurple/api |
@twurple/eventsub-ws | @twurple/auth , @twurple/api |
@twurple/pubsub | @twurple/auth |
For example, to use EventSub over WebSockets, execute one of:
yarn add @twurple/auth @twurple/api @twurple/eventsub-ws # or npm install @twurple/auth @twurple/api @twurple/eventsub-ws
You can join the Twitch API Libraries Discord Server and ask in #twurple
for support.